Analog Watches Over Smart Ones

Here’s why.

Sanjana S 💛
2 min readOct 14, 2023
Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

Ever heard of the term ‘timeless classic’? That’s what analog watches are for me.

Let me explain to you the reasons.

  1. They go with all occasions —

Unlike smart watches that look smart only for casual setups, analog watches are a pro at jamming with all kinds of occasions and attires.

2. They help you to stand out in the crowd

Someone complimented my watch at a gathering a couple of days back.

Her reason?

It’s a rare find these days since people are more into smart watches and my old watch ‘caught her attention’.

3. They are a testament to the fact that not everything in life needs to be super complicated

Smart watches are mini cell phones.

But do we really need that?

The primary function of a watch is to see time.

So why complicate our already entangled lives with such over-dramatized discoveries?

4. We don’t have to charge them

Analog watches are such a blessing in this regard.

They do require a change of battery at certain intervals, but I find that much more convenient than having to charge them every other day.

The only time I invested in a smartwatch, I would inadvertently forget to charge it and somehow always ended up wearing a dead watch. Now it’s lying lifeless in my cupboard.

But again, to each his own. This was just a fun blog and completely based on my own perspective, not in any way criticizing anyone’s personal choices and preferences.

See you all soon:)



Sanjana S 💛

Hi folks! I am a lawyer with a passion for blogging - currently on a mission to eat good food, travel and find my mental peace:))